
March 25, 2024

Wet blocking knitted pieces

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{The right finish} Do you really have to wash and stretch knitting projects after casting off? Or leave them to dry flat? What does this stretching actually mean? And do you have to do it after every wash? The topic of "stretching" was already on everyone's lips in 2019 during our first Mother's Day shawl knit-along for the Zora shawl. This year's shawl Lotti, [...]


January 13, 2021

Dyeing with ITO {Pattern and tips}

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Sometimes it is not there. THE color that you would like to have for your new project. Or you have a finished knitted piece and you don't really like the color. Maybe it's because you've knitted different batches or made a mistake with the color. Or maybe you just want to try something new or have a certain effect. [...]


November 17, 2020

It's felt time! {...and Maschenfein goes live}

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We've hinted at it before: we're in the throes of felting fever. Yes, it's contagious, but no, it's not dangerous. And it's fun. And it's distracting (which I find particularly important at the moment). So, what's up with you guys? Do you knit and felt? We have something great for you [...]


October 28, 2020

Multicolor knitting {Maschenfein designs}

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Whether one thread on the left, one on the right, both on the left, both around the index finger, or one here, the other around the middle finger... The technique of multicolor knitting is fascinating. Not to mention the history of the individual patterns themselves. In two articles and a podcast episode, we've already taken you on a journey to the Shetland Islands [...]

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