Stitch greeting cards
Maschenfein {Accessories}Stitch greeting card
Four different motifsOccasions
Greetings, give away knitted items, give away vouchersFour motifs for different occasionsStitch greeting cards
3,90 €Paperweight button
CohanaWeights for fabrics or paperPaperweight button
36,25 €Christmas 2023 - card & banderole (PDF)
Card and banderole for your Christmas shawl to print outCard and banderole for your Christmas shawlPDF for printingChristmas 2023 - card & banderole (PDF)
0,00 €Maschenfein stitch samples tags
Maschenfein10 gauge labelsMaschenfein stitch samples tags
5,90 €Maschenfein notepad
MaschenfeinMaschenfein notepad made from recycled paperA6 / 50 sheetsMaschenfein notepad
3,90 €
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