Welcome to Maschenfein!
Your online store around knitting!
At Maschenfein you'll find a carefully curated selection of sustainable yarns from around the world, well over two thousand knitting kits where you can conveniently choose your size and desired color, as well as the matching knitting accessories and numerous knitting tutorials.
In our blog we constantly provide you with new inspirations - knitting is simply our great passion! Especially popular is our Saturday Coffee series, in which we have been sharing inspirations from the world of knitting for many years.
With the greatest passion
Maschenfein was founded in 2014 in Berlin by Marisa Nöldeke. At that time, she was writing the knitting pattern for her first bestseller, the book "Tücher stricken". Since then Maschenfein has steadily grown into the largest and best-known German-language knitting community and the most popular place to go to choose your next knitting project and browse the beautiful world of knitting accessories.
In our team of nine, we work with the greatest passion for Maschenfein and our community. We are always happy to help you with your color selection, a tricky tutorial, knitting techniques or other questions. We also focus on creating our own tutorials. This is where our years of experience come in - and there is something for every knitting level.

Marisa, 45, lives in Berlin, is the mother of a heavenly daughter and three children, including one with an extra lucky chromosome. She is the owner and heart of Maschenfein, has been blogging since 2010 and, as a PhD in economics and passionate knitter, founded the company "Maschenfein" in 2014.
Marisa cast on her first stitches with her grandmother Lotti at a very young age. Many detours, her studies and her doctorate put the needles on hold. Until Marisa finally caught fire again during her pregnancy with her first daughter. Knitting and creativity then accompanied her through a very difficult time in her life. Out of all this grew Maschenfein. The knitting blog, the best-stocked online store that she always wished for and missed, and many, many projects around it.
Her first book "Tücher stricken" - a huge success in the knitting world - was published in August 2016 by EMF Verlag. This was followed by the basic book "Stricken - Masche für Masche", the follow-up shawl book "Noch mehr Tücher stricken", a book about sweaters and cardigans "Hygge - Wohlfühkleidung stricken", a book with children's knitwear "Smaland - Skandinavisch stricken" and the small, fine reference book "Stricken - Das Lexikon". All books became bestsellers in the field of knitting. Most recently, the bullet journal "Stricken" was published in the fall of 2020, also by EMF Verlag. Since then, Marisa has been publishing her knitting tutorials individually as PDFs here on Maschenfein and on Ravelry.

Sandra, 41, at home in Bavaria, with roots in the Black Forest. Mom of two boys, addicted to masks and in love with yarn.
Sandra is the first permanent employee at Maschenfein since September 2017. Among other things, she is responsible for support, ensures that our warehouse is well stocked and is Marisa's memory aid for all the colorful projects here at Maschenfein.
As an early and loyal reader of the blog, Sandra immersed herself in the world of Maschenfein from the very beginning. After completing her state examination to become an elementary school teacher, she turned her back on school in favor of her family and taught herself to knit with the help of YouTube videos after the birth of her first son over ten years ago. She is the co-author of three books.
As Sandra is a self-confessed knitting addict, her wardrobe is bursting with cardigans, scarves and other knitwear. Favorite color? Blue!

Chris, 57, lives near Frankfurt am Main and discovered her love of teaching after several years in the advertising and marketing industry. Whether knitting, crocheting or yoga - passing on knowledge is simply "her thing".
Chris has been knitting and crocheting since she was at school. Today, she usually has textured patterns and multicolored projects on her needles. The material can sometimes be woollier and this has a lot to do with her love of Scotland. Together with her husband, Chris is always drawn to hiking in the north. Of course, she is always happy to give travel tips.
Chris assists Sandra in support and is looking forward to getting in touch with our customers.
Store care

Jule, 29, lives in Mainz-Kastel and has been with Maschenfein since 2020. She started out as a working student and is now store manager. Are there new products or a knitting set to put on? Jule makes sure that our range is always perfectly presented and updated.
Alongside her love of knitting, sport is Jules' second passion. Roller skating is very popular at the moment. The important thing is that you can do something together! And when our good mood fairy needs some peace and quiet, she also likes to tinker with her own designs.

Charlotte, 24, comes from the Lower Rhine and is studying International Business and Politics. She loves music and plays the piano and cello. However, this hobby has to take a back seat for the time being, not only because of her studies, but also because of her love of knitting. Most often, sweaters and cardigans end up on her needles.
If there is still time after university and knitting, Charlotte likes to go for walks and does regular strength training. Also on her wish list: to do more Pilates again.

Hannah, 19, originally comes from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. She moved to Hamburg to study general engineering. She joined Maschenfein in February 2025. When she's not studying or - of course! - knitting, she likes to read or go for a walk.

Sophia, 36, now lives back in her home town of Hanover after spending some time in Lower Franconia. She is the mother of two children and always has knitwear in her luggage as well as diapers and snacks.
Sophia has been taking care of the maschenfein.com blog posts since October 2020, moderates the podcast and comes up with campaigns for social media. Since she discovered knitting after her studies, she has also been following Maschenfein - and has already been infected by one or two projects. The trained journalist now brings two passions together for us: writing and knitting.

Louisa, 41, lives with her family near Munich. The trained bookseller was the organizer of the maschenfeinen knitting meetings in the Bavarian capital (#maschenfeinsüdrunde) and has long been a model and test knitter for Maschenfein and Sandra.
Louisa has always knitted - but since she discovered Ravelry and Maschenfein, she can hardly put down her needles. With us, she takes care of the translation of the website, the newsletter and in the future the English-language support.

Mirjam, 40 , lives in Berlin with her daughter and partner. She studied media informatics and has been working as a web developer since 2008.
As a teenager and young adult, knitting was always on the agenda, but Mirjam really got into it a good five years ago when she wanted to knit a sweater. She couldn't help but discover Maschenfein on Instagram. With the birth of her daughter, the desire to turn her hobby into a career had to wait a little longer, but since July 2024, the keen surfer has joined the Maschenfein team in the development department. It goes without saying that the work dramatically increases her knitting list.

Judith, 39, lives in Berlin with her husband and two children. In her first life, she was a freelance sound engineer and then obtained her Bachelor of Computer Engineering. Together with Barbara, she founded a women's collective for software development and jointly applied to Maschenfein.
What others say about her: "Radical solidarity, big heart, Berlin snout." What she says about herself: "Where technology and people meet, that's my favorite place." Judith also knits, by the way! Thanks to a friend, she started rattling her needles seven years ago. Since then, it's been her favorite hobby.
And when Judith is not knitting, she loves to dance and everything you can do in the mountains: Hiking, skiing, snowshoeing - the main thing is to see a panorama of peaks!

Barbara, 50, lives in Berlin with her husband and three children. A communications graduate, she learned programming in 2020 and is Judith's partner in a women's collective for software development.
Others say about Barbara that she is persistent and team-oriented. And she can also ask the right questions. These are all great prerequisites when we are faced with challenges in the back or front end.
And we've already noticed that she describes herself as super curious and uninhibitedly proactive: she was infected by our knitting euphoria and cast on the first stitches. What else does Barbara like? Horses, photography and the sea.

Lisa, 32, is our northern light: She lives in Bergen on Rügen - and is therefore a true Baltic Sea child. The trained educator works at a special school and supports Marisa in the development of designs.
She learned to knit eight years ago - with the help of a black scarf with cable pattern. Her favorite knits are sweaters and cardigans. Since 2021 she has already been working as a commission knitter for Maschenfein, and since the end of 2022 she has been looking after our test knits and writing the pattern for maschenfein designs. Or as we say: she puts Marisa's thoughts on paper.
Our commission knitters
There are so many beautiful patterns - we can't even knit them all ourselves! But to be able to show you always great designs and beautiful yarns, we have busy commission knitters. Under the hashtag#maschenfeinesschaufenster you can see their work on Instagram.

