
Without the right accessories, knitting is only half the fun. That's why you'll find here at Accessories the most beautiful knitting and crochet needles in all lengths, shapes and variations as well as suitable storage options for your projects, beautiful stitch markers, scissors, blocking tools, detergents and all other imaginable useful things that make knitting just that much more exciting.


Books/Magazines/PDFs Umschalten

Designer (Pattern) Umschalten

Publisher Umschalten

Type of knitting Umschalten

Books/Magazines Umschalten

Designer/Manufacturer Umschalten

For Umschalten

Yarns Umschalten

Size Umschalten

Maschenfein Books Umschalten

Needle size Umschalten

Difficulty Umschalten

Yarn type Umschalten

Fiber material Umschalten

Yarn weight Umschalten

Manufacturer Umschalten

Yardage per 100g Umschalten

Mesh sample 10cm each Umschalten

Needle size Umschalten

Product responsibility Umschalten

Manufacturer Umschalten

Needles by type Umschalten

Accessory type Umschalten

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