
July 13, 2024

Vacation? Knitting time!

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{Saturday coffee & webtalk} I'm packing my suitcase and taking ... You probably know that feeling when you have a few free days ahead of you and you think: So now I've packed two books and three knitting projects and something else I've always wanted to try - and all the ingredients for a [...]


July 06, 2024

Summer yarns and summer favorites

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{Saturday coffee & online whispers} Do you know that feeling? When you're counting down the days until your vacation? And especially the knitting projects that need to go? I'm very good at it right now. Every morning, the kids and I calculate how long it will be until the Baltic Sea wind blows around our noses again and a sticky cinnamon bun [...].


June 29, 2024

Knit, crochet and laugh

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{Saturday coffee & webtalk} "Sandra crochets now too." With this introduction to a fresh Saturday coffee, I am (more or less) fulfilling an official pattern. Now you're wondering what exactly that means - and of course you're right to ask. So I'll follow it up with "A wonderful good morning for your Saturday coffee" so that you also know [...].


June 22, 2024

Knitting meets yoga: Cheryl Mokhtari

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{Designer of the month} The United Kingdom brings many things to mind: the royal family, of course, tee time - and rain, no doubt. Knitting is not often an association. The Scandinavian countries with their female designers and this typical Nordic lifestyle are too dominant. But it's also worth taking a look across the English Channel. Quite apart from the fact that [...]

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