On the

July 01, 2024

On the needles {July 2024}

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What did our new colleague Chris write in our chat the other day? "My first month at Maschenfein is over!" It's crazy how time flies. And not only has the second half of the year begun, new projects have also been added to our needles - at least some of them. You can read about them today: New in the sense of "rediscovered" The [...]

On the

June 07, 2024

On the needles {June 2024}

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After a completely wet start to June in some parts of Germany, we are now wishing for really nice summer weather. This can also be seen on the needles of the Maschenfein team. There is a lot of summer knitting. But also a little something to snuggle up with for the soul. What more could you want? But read for yourself: In linen [...]

On the

May 01, 2024

On the needles {May 2024}

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Isn't that wonderful? A day off in the middle of the week, garnished with maschenfein reading material. It's a great way to start a busy May! Just in time for the national holiday, I knocked on my colleagues' doors again and asked them for an update on their projects. It's a great mix again for "On the [...]

On the

March 30, 2024

On the needles {April 2024}

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Good morning on this long Easter weekend! As already announced, Saturday coffee is on hiatus today. But don't worry! The Maschenfein blog will not remain empty. Instead, I'll tell you what we've got on the needles in the team right now! As you've come to expect from us, it's a colorful mix again. From the last winter leftovers to summery [...]

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