
Summer tops

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Knitting for summer temperatures As soon as the days get longer and warmer, we start thinking about our summer wardrobe. Tops are then a favorite. They are airy, light and quick to knit without sleeves. As we're big fans of summer tops in all sorts of variations, we'd like to introduce you to these quickly knitted summer [...]


Striped love

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Love stripes Stripes always work! They always look great, they're always fun to knit ("Just until the next stripe") and they make you want summer, sun and sea. As soon as the temperatures rise, we see Marisa sitting in the office in her striped favorite Ship Shape. That's why you can find out all about striped knitwear in this inspiration: [...]


Spring knit

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Spring knitwear There's no denying it: Spring is here! Flowers are making meadows and gardens more colorful, the sun is gaining more and more strength, the days are getting longer - and! - the knitwear is slowly getting a little thinner again. Do you still need knitting ideas for the warmer season? In this "Spring knitting" inspiration, we present suitable yarns [...]


Nordic knitting love

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Nordic yarns and sweaters As we all know, we love knitting styles by Scandinavian designers. We are particularly fond of Denmark. Now we want to turn our gaze further north with this inspiration and introduce you to the world of Nordic yarns and sweaters from Norway and Iceland. In the harsh climate on the stormy coasts [...]

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