Simply Maschenfein


December 21, 2024

Our maschenfein year 2024

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{Review of the year & Saturday coffee} I'm feeling a little melancholy right now. Another year gone by! And how quickly it went again ... I'm sure each and every one of you is also looking back on 2024. To all the wonderful moments, but also the challenging ones. In this last blog post of the year, I want to look back with you: at the [...]


June 22, 2024

Knitting meets yoga: Cheryl Mokhtari

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{Designer of the month} The United Kingdom brings many things to mind: the royal family, of course, tee time - and rain, no doubt. Knitting is not often an association. The Scandinavian countries with their female designers and this typical Nordic lifestyle are too dominant. But it's also worth taking a look across the English Channel. Quite apart from the fact that [...]


April 10, 2024

Claudia Eisenkolb: perfectly fitting knitwear

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{Designer of the month} If you want to write a text about knitwear designer Claudia Eisenkolb, there are several ways to start. For example, there's the fact that the Frankfurt-based designer doesn't really like knitting socks - but her first designs were almost exclusively socks. Or - and this is where her heart lies - you can take a [...]


November 23, 2023

aegyoknit: simply enchanting

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{Designer of the month} "Please, what's it called?" Knitters who love the Scandinavian understated style have almost certainly "stumbled" across this name while scrolling: aegyoknit. "Maybe I should have gone for something a bit easier to spell and pronounce," jokes Karoline Skovgaard Bentsen in the Zoom call. But the name for her work as a knitwear designer [...]

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