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Knitting blog

How do you knit the yarn change when a skein is nearing the end? You can knit in the new yarn, or just leave the old one hanging and just put the new one on. That's how I always do it - at the end of a row. But there is another way: I found the invisible Russian Join method here, where the threads are simply twisted into each other. It is suitable for heavier yarns and saves the later sewing of the ends!

Ysolda Teague shows a very simple trick on how to "crochet up" a provisional cast on. Provisional cast on means that the stitches at the cast on end will be picked up again later to knit in the other direction. I think the crochet up is ingenious!

If I'm ever bored, I knit myself such a great multifunctional scarf.

Also, I would love to have a Chloe cardigan hanging in my closet.

On Instagram yesterday you admired so much the felted acorns. How it works, you can see, for example, with the nature children. We are here since the participation day on a farm also on the felt trip and I have acquired a colorful supply of fairy tale wool.

By the way, acorns can also be knitted(click).

I wish you already a nice weekend! The on the needles November post will follow this afternoon.