It's February! And therefore time for the first snowdrops, a little more time outdoors, perhaps the very first feelings of spring and ... decision-making difficulties!

I hope I'm not the only one asking myself: is it still winter knitting or is it already spring? In "On the needles" we'll see if there's a trend in the Maschenfein team. Have fun reading!

Between soft and cozy

Chris is currently knitting the Cloud Blouse from PetiteKnit.
Photo: ©️ Christine Bodner

My colleague Chris, who you probably know from our support emails, is continuing the year with discipline and has found something light and airy in her project basket ...

At the start of the year, I had resolved to bring some order to my half-finished projects. It's working really well so far and I'm delighted with the beautiful new sweaters in my wardrobe.

But there was actually something hiding in the far corner that I didn't even realize I had posted. Does this look familiar to anyone? 😉

The Cloud Blouse by PetiteKnit from Midnatssol by CaMaRose was with me on my last vacation, but I didn't get very far. It's all the more fun now to finish the sweater as my first "real" project in 2025.

Louisa still has some cozy knitting to do, although I know that the yarn for this year's Mother's Day shawl has already arrived. So spring knitting will be on the needles very, very soon!

I'm currently knitting the sleeves of my maschenfein teddy sweater. I had knitted it quite comfortably in January. Because I know how elastic the Teddy Dear yarn from Gepard is, I knitted the sleeves a little shorter than I normally would to be on the safe side. Washing would take care of the rest.

However, the plan only half worked out. Yes, the sleeves grew quite a bit during the final wash - definitely 20 centimeters. However, they lost about half of that because they shrank again a little in the first few days of wearing. This is also normal with such an elastic yarn. And so I have already opened the first sleeve again and am knitting on a few more centimetres. Nothing is more stupid than sleeves that are too short, right?

The teddy sweater lies on a wooden background. The image detail is limited to the sleeves, which are currently being lengthened.
Teddy sweater from Maschenfein at Louisa.
Photo: ©️ Louisa Müller-Gauditz
Jule is standing in front of a bookshelf and wearing the Treysta sweater. The sweater has a patterned round yoke and is otherwise dark yellow.
Treysta sweater by Jennifer Steingass at Jule.
Photo: ©️ Julia Gotthardt

The next winter knit follows immediately - very classic with a patterned round yoke. Take a look at what Jule is currently working on:

"On the needles" is becoming my progress diary for my Treysta Sweater by Jennifer Steingass. I'm making slow progress. Over the holidays, I finished the body and started the arm. Then a hat idea came up, a few presents and you know what happened ... it was back in the basket. Now I'm going to quickly finish a baby gift and THEN I'll hopefully finish it. Will I be able to finish it this winter?

Sometimes the decision is difficult

I myself am in no man's land and simply can't make up my mind. Which is why I have also resorted to a UFO.

I'm a bit fickle at the moment. It's always particularly difficult for me to decide on a knitting project during the transitional period. The new Sandnes collection is getting me all excited - but I definitely won't be able to make a cozy cardigan until spring.

But thin linen shirts now? If you could look inside my head ... there's a lot going on! Which is why I'm continuing to work on the Lotti knitted shawl for the time being - warning, a knitting confession follows. Yes, that's the Mother's Day shawl from last year ... ;-).


The knitted Mother's Day shawl Lotti in beige lies on a marble background.
The maschenfein Mother's Day shawl Lotti at Sophia.
Photo: ©️ Sophia Michalzik
A dark ball of Brushlight from Cardiff lies on a light, neutral background, with a knitting project in progress next to it.
Micaela sweater from Moreca Knit by Lisa.
Photo: ©️ Lisa Kirchhoff

I rather admire Lisa, who has started a really new project. Made from an unbeatably beautiful yarn ... Despite the dark color, it gives me tender feelings of spring!

A few days ago, I cast on the Micaela Sweater according to pattern from Moreca Knit. I spontaneously fell in love with the design one evening when I was looking at some knitting kits in the Maschenfeinshop. (Although I actually "just wanted to look" ... the stash ... the ufos ... the self-control ... you know what I mean). Anyway, I'm knitting in single-ply with Brushlight from Cardiff. The cashmere and silk yarn transforms the sweater into a cozy soft lightweight. I can hardly wait to try it on for the first time and am already very excited.

I am reassured when I read Mirjam's post. I'm obviously not the only one who is only too happy to throw her plans overboard!

I actually wanted to finish all my WIPs before I started something new - but then I got weak and quickly made the My Jose Hood from NORgardknitters - it was love at first sight, as with so many, which is why my favorite color was always out of stock - now I have decided on Snefnug from my stash without further ado. It feels good and: MaPro fits too! 😉

The knitted My Jose Hood in a cream shade lies on a wooden background.
My Jose Hood from NORgardknitters at Mirjam.
Photo: ©️ Mirjam Guderley
The knitted Olive Cardigan Junior in a light shade of purple lies on a table.
Olive Cardigan Junior from Knitting for Olive by Barbara.
Photo: ©️ Barbara Schulze

You can find a model that simply always works at Barbara. Incidentally, the design is also available for adults!

This is my little girl's math jacket. Whenever she does math, I knit her jacket. So we're both working on something big in small steps. Will there be more erasing - or more rubbing?

The design is the Olive Cardigan Child by Knitting For Olive. I knit with Merino from Knitting for Olive in the color Unicorn Purple and Brushlight from Cardiff Cashmere in the color Muji.

Marisa has her own design on the needles. The test for the Brevue Sweater can start soon!

Last fall, I spent some time tinkering with the Brevue sweater - and your enthusiasm was huge! That's why we're now stepping on the gas to release the design as soon as possible!

So I'm knitting a second one and have enlisted Sandra's help, who will also be knitting this cozy pullover in garter stitch. Then the test can start very soon! And if you can't wait: the matching cardigan is already available 😉

View from above of a hand holding a ball of Cashmere Classic and a ball of Sensai. Both are white in color.
Brevue sweater by Marisa. The design will hopefully be coming very soon!
Photo: ©️ Marisa Nöldeke

Become part of the Maschenfein knitting round

And what are you knitting in February? Feel free to tell us in the comments or show us in our knitting rounds on Facebook or Instagram, where we use the hashtag #aufdennadeln and #maschenfeinstrickrunde. Even better, tag us - then we can find your pictures more easily and are happy to share them in the stories or in the Saturday coffee.

Is this your first time here? Every month we collect our knitting projects and plans on social media. You can find all past collections to browse through in the On the Needles section.


About Sophia

I'm Sophia, live in Hannover and since October 2020 I've been taking care of the blog posts, the newsletter, planning the podcast and coming up with actions for social media. By the way, I also happen to be a knitting addict, which benefits me at work.

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