We all know them: the old needlework books that you discover at flea markets or in bookcases. Or that lie dormant on your own shelf because you just don't want to part with them. Each of these books has a chapter dedicated to the topic of cable patterns. And not without reason: whether old fashion or new - cable patterns are always a trend.
In this inspiration, we will therefore show you a few cable pattern ideas and provide you with suitable knitting designs. What accessories do you need? You'll find out too!
A thousand and one cable stitches

Photo: ©️ Ines Grabner / Maschenfein
Anyone who leafs through these needlework books will see: The variety of cable patterns is almost inexhaustible. Whether wide or narrow, intricately intertwined or very sculptural, with knobs or without ... there are virtually no limits to creativity.
The great thing is that there is always a pattern that is also suitable for beginners. Working with a third needle - the cable needle - sometimes requires some practice, but is not difficult to learn. You can find a short guide in our knitting knowledge!
What (almost) all cable needles have in common is a special shape to prevent the stitches that have been left out from slipping down.
There are two special features in our product portfolio: Prym's yoga braiding needles have a flexible shaft that can be flexibly shaped into any desired form. Thanks to a stable wire core, the desired shape such as a hook, U-shape or wave is retained.
Lantern Moon's cable needles, on the other hand, are straight but have grooves that prevent the stitches from slipping. As always, try out which shape suits you and what you get on with best. The very classic cable needles can also be found in grandma's needlework basket ... 😉

Photo / graphic: ©️ EMF Verlag
Yarns and colors

Photo: ©️ Ines Grabner / Maschenfein
In addition to the needle, the yarn is of course a decisive factor for your project. It is better to avoid playful fancy yarns or eye-catching color gradients. Both would make knitting more difficult and swallow up the actual pattern.
Instead, use yarns that don't have so much going on. They should therefore have a smooth surface. But don't worry: they don't have to be completely flat and you can also add a little fluff - for example, in the form of an accessory thread.
Our tips for getting started
If you are new to the world of cable knitting, it is best to start with smaller projects. Cuffs or headbands are particularly suitable for beginners. If you already have knitting experience, you can also work on projects such as slipovers or shawl collars.

Photo: ©️ Ines Grabner / Maschenfein
"Just one plait"
In addition to small items that can be knitted relatively quickly, there are also larger projects with just one cable. The eye-catchers are definitely the interlaced stitches - the rest of the knitting is more subdued.
Costly, but worthwhile
If you want to "go all out" - no problem! Because that's the beauty of DIY. There's always something to suit your taste. And the variety of designs with cable patterns is particularly impressive.

Photo: ©️ Sandnes
For example, you could combine pearl, rib and cable patterns. This may not be everyone's cup of tee, but the Artisane Cardigan from Sandnes, among others, has made waves in the Maschenfein team. There's just something about combining different techniques!
Such projects certainly require concentration and stamina. Our tip: Read the pattern through completely before you start, take a close look at the knitting charts and mark particularly tricky areas so that nothing goes wrong. In the end, you will be very proud of yourself and have a knitted item in your hands that will stay with you for a long time!
Braids for the summer
It's a little easier if you opt for summery designs. This way, the sleeves will be shorter or even non-existent. Knitting cables is definitely also a pleasure with vegetable yarns such as Nepal from Pascuali (60% cotton, 40% linen) or Løvetand from CaMaRose (100% linen)!
Correct care for knitted pieces with cables
Of course, your knitted pieces with cable patterns also need the right care. First of all, unless otherwise stated in the pattern, it is essential that the finished piece is given a gentle bath. Then it goes onto the stretching mats. Always follow the designer's pattern and stretch the knitted piece to the correct dimensions using tensioning wires or worsted needles. You will see: Only then will the pattern unfold properly and the stitch definition become beautifully even.
Lint shavers and brushes are suitable for care after everyday use. The following applies to both: try it out beforehand on an inconspicuous area or - even better - on a gauge. It is better to start slowly than to distort braids or wear out knitted nubs.

Photo: ©️ PetiteKnit
Which of you dares to try a knitted design with cables? One thing is certain for us: the work is worth it! And with a little practice, you'll soon be able to do it with ease. We hope you enjoy browsing and knitting!
1 comment
Dear Maschenfein team
Like every Saturday, I enjoyed your Saturday coffee again today. Many thanks for that!
I would like to know what kind of model is shown on the cover picture.
Kind regards